This is the final part of this series of articles on the marks of a faithful sending church. We have previously looked at how a sending church is gospel-centered, how it develops, prays & supports. Finally, we will see that… 

A faithful sending church rests in God’s sovereignty

Let’s face it, it’s easy to get discouraged in the world we live in today. In some ways, it seems like the door to finishing The Great Commission closes a little bit each day. There is still a large task ahead of us (3,000+ people groups still without the gospel), more and more countries/regions are becoming more restrictive and unwelcoming to foreigners and missionaries often come home because of problems with teammates, culture shock, marriage, etc.  

As your church sends out workers for the harvest, remember the words of John in Revelation 7:9-10, After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice: ‘Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb’”

These verses give us great hope and encouragement! In spite of our weakness, the Lord is still building His church and will continue to do so until every people group has had a chance to hear the gospel. A great revival is coming. 

John MacArthur, in a sermon from Revelation says, “The day is coming when by God’s grace and His mercy the gospel will triumph. It will triumph across the world and the promise of salvation to the nations of the earth will come to pass. It will be the best of times during the worst of times. But that’s just like God who in the midst of wrath remembers mercy, in the midst of judgment remembers grace.”

God will be faithful to His word, He will accomplish His purposes. Truthfully, He doesn’t need us! But He has chosen us and given us the task and privilege of proclaiming the gospel to the nations. Don’t delay in sending your members to the field, but do so in full of view of God’s sovereign plan and will.


The scripture is clear: God’s heart is for the whole world, and it’s our responsibility to take this hope to the nations. This is every individual’s, every church’s mandate. Your local church is the hub – send your people out! 

May these five aspects give you encouragement as we obey the command Jesus gave us.